Howzit, guys! I'm visiting my folks in Cape Town (which feels magnificently exotic and oh-so-glam after 2 months in the Eastern Cape!!) and, because of a divine comment from a family coming HOME after a stint in the States, I just had to quickly link back here to my Homecoming Revolution blog update! (Repatriation is busy work, indeed! *wink* So there has been minimal time to do any proper writing... lol!)
Nevertheless, here is the link to some recent news. There is (as I seem to write every single blog post) just so much I wish I could tell you about moving back home, but time is too tight for words (literally.) At least I now have internet, so updates will DEFINITELY be more frequent and delicious with repatriation details - so post your comments and ANY questions and I'll answer them as soon as I can :)
(The 'Spruitsdrift' in the title is a not-so-oblique reference to my love affair with red wine - of which my parents always have an abundance!)