The overseas art market pretty much sucked, unless you had vast sums of money to travel overseas promoting yourself. But then (grateful sigh of relief!) the Internet arrived - and I remember 'surfing the Net' (thought I sounded SO cool saying that) in the little IT lab on campus whenever I possibly could, stealing time from even my precious lie-ins to see what was out there. Admittedly, the going was rather slow, and my heart would pitter-patter-pound-pound-pound while each page downloaded in hesitant agony.
A decade later, and I have my very own laptop, digital camera, printer - and lightning fast, 24 hour Internet access: information/stimulation heaven! (There's a darker side to all of this, of course: like mindless distraction.......... and when I type 'plump nudes' into Google Images looking for images of non-skinny women to draw... Needless to say, there would have been a little TOO much for me to draw. Shall I leave it at that?)
And before Layla needs me to put her down for her first morning nap, let me get to the point: I discovered a website created specifically for South Afican artists so they can sell their work at home and - more profitably - abroad. Pounds, dollars and the general American/British/European desire for the exotic African mean there are plenty of buyers out there typing 'African art' into dear old Google! As I said in my last post, my work at the moment is about African mothers - and South African iconographic things in general: i.e. free-roaming, road traffic-ignoring nguni cattle in the Eastern Cape, the modern abakwetha with their ingceke painted faces. So it was with some shock-and-horror (and mild nausea) that I discovered there are thousands of other South African artists out there painting these sorts of thing. In short: I have become a bit of a cliche. Eish... Perhaps the key is in HOW one portrays the subject matter? (I KNOW this is the key, but hopefully those pound-jingling, 'African art' Google-ing buyers will see this too! (Here is the link to my page on this site : http://www.southafricanartists.com/home/LisaRoberts -- you'll have to cut and paste it into your web browser ... this ol' mommy brain has forgotten how to add a link that actually works!)